I’m in love. It sings to me, makes me laugh, and is a source of constant entertainment. It is bright, sleek, gorgeous, and thin. I have it just where I want it… in the palm of my hand. And as much as I love Tech Savvy Daddy, no it isn’t him. It is my brand new 8 GB red iPod Nano.
How do I love my Nano? Let me count the ways:
- The super small size means that it weighs next to nothing and takes up virtually no space wherever it goes. It doesn’t need its own pocket in my bag. It doesn’t replace the snack items I carry to feed an entire soccer team. It fits in my wallet! And no, I don’t have a Costanza wallet.
- I’m never without photos of Little Miss Techie and Captain Computer (yes, I’m now THAT mom). I can slip it into an evening bag to show off pictures of my kids when they aren’t with me.
- The big bright video display is awesome for viewing downloaded television shows, movies, and music videos although mine mostly contains episodes of the Muppet Show and Sesame Street.
- Album artwork for all the music housed on my iPod makes it easy to select what I want to listen to. It is like paging through albums on a jukebox of old but with better pictures and without the quarters.
- 5 hour battery life means that with a single charge, my iP
od can entertain my kids on an extended trip to the doctor’s office, a non-stop flight to California to visit the grandparents, or on a road trip to NYC. And I have plenty to listen to when writing blog posts!
- Unlike previous generations of iPods, the new Nano has no moving parts. Thank goodness or else Captain Computer would spend all his time spinning the wheel Price is Right style.
- It is red. Since it is a (PRODUCT)RED item, a percentage of the purchase price of my iPod has been given directly to The Global Fund to help women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. Not only did my purchase benefit others, but its brightness ensures that it never gets lost in my bag or in the house
I could go on and on. I just love it!
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Original post by Tech Savvy Mama