If you are contemplating a gift of any Leapfrog products this holiday season, take advantage of their 30% off friends & family sale with promo code HY8NFF. The discount is good on any order over $50 and the offer ends tomorrow! Too late to get the discount? Don’t despair! Any order over $50 from now until 12/19 qualifies for free shipping.
Having trouble deciding? Let me help! Check out my reviews (Fridge Wash ‘n Go Magnetic Vehicle Set, TAG, Leapster2, Crammer) then hop on over to the Leapfrog site to place your order!
And while I wish I got some kind of kickback from Leapfrog from any sale generated from me mentioning this code, I don’t. I just want to help you save some cash this holiday season! 🙂
Thanks for reading Tech Savvy Mama through your feed!
Original post by Tech Savvy Mama
Thanks – based on your review and this code, I got a great deal on the Leapster2 and games.