Do you read Stimeyland? If not, put it in your reader because you should!
For those of you not familiar with Stimeyland, it chronicles Stimey’s adventures with her three children, Sam, Jack, and Quinn. Her tales are honest and pee-in-your-pants funny. Was that too much information?
I’ve loved reading about Camp Stimey, been discouraged from ever getting an ant farm, and have had the pleasure of hanging out with her at BlogHer and other events featuring adult beverages. I feel like I know her kids having heard about Quinn’s love of yellow shirts, followed Jack as he started school, and celebrated Sam’s birthday with him via Stimeyland.
I truly love Stimey but in a non-stalker kind of way.
So when I read her post, San Francisco or Bust, about her family’s plane trip to the other coast, I knew it was my pick for this month’s Perfect Post Award. There’s so much I could say about it but as usual, Stimey says it better.
Here’s an excerpt:
Things that happened before we boarded our flight out of Baltimore at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday:
- Alex dropped me, the little dudes, and a hell of a lot of bags and car seats at the terminal while he parked the car. Sam almost immediately puked into a garbage can.
- While crossing the road, our luggage fell off the cart. Luggage and kids were everywhere. No one helped. I mentally cursed out Alex. (Totally unjustifiably, but it made me feel better.)
- We checked in and were standing in the security line, a little worried about the time, when a guy in an airport shirt walked up to us and says, “These kids can’t fly…” at which point I just about started sobbing, when the guy finished up with, “without these,” and handed us coloring books and crayons. We laughed and thanked him, but I’m still a little bitter about the psychological damage.
- Because Quinn was still wearing his pajamas (and mad about it), Alex pulled out his clothes to take him to the bathroom to change him. Quinn whipped off his clothes in about 14 seconds flat and exposed his bare ass to our fellow Baltimore to Cleveland traveling companions.
- Sam was still not feeling well, so Alex took him to the bathroom. Unable to abandon Quinn and our carry-ons, I watched helplessly as Jack started to puke bile all over the floor of the gate area. I semi-futilely tried to catch the bile in a handful of wipes as our fellow passengers started trying to book flights to Florida instead of Cleveland.
- I fed the kids Doritos for breakfast.
Oh, and that’s just the beginning.
Click here for the full post and see why I love Stimey so. Only she can make vomit absolutely hilarious!
Congratulations to Stimey for making it to California and back . She truly deserves more than a Perfect Post Award for enduring that flight!
To see what other blogs were awarded Perfect Post Awards for the month of October, click here and here.
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Original post by Tech Savvy Mama
I am so completely honored. Thank you! Rereading that brings it all back in a kind of terrible PTSD sort of way. That wasn’t a good morning.
You rock!