For those of you who know exactly what I am talking about when I mention tweeps, tweets, tweeples, celebrity tweets, dweet, follow, DM, tweetup, hashtags, and follow your tweeps on Tweetdeck or Twhirl and use apps like Twitterfon to post mobile updates…Carry on. There’s nothing new to learn here. You are well schooled in the world and lingo of Twitter and may even have a problem with tweetaholism. I know I do.
If you don’t know what in the world I’m talking about, never fear! It’s Twitter.
Here’s my 4 step webquest to help you expand your knowledge of Twitter.
- Acquaint yourself with why people Twitter. Check out Stephen Colbert’s interview with Twitter founder Biz Stone posted on Gizmodo. It may make you curious enough to want to start Twittering or it may make you vow to never start.
- Acquaint yourself with Twitter. The awesome KTP, from House of Prince and fellow Being Savvy City Editor, who does an awesome job demystifying Twitter in her What is Twitter guide for Twitter newbies and anyone interested in jumping into the Twittersphere.
- Acquaint yourself with the lingo. Twitter has its own lexicon of terms, shorthands, and tools all color coded for you in this handy guide by Sitemasher.
- Put your new knowledge to the test! Being a teacher, I’m all about hands on learning and practicing what you know. So follow me (techsavvymama) and I’ll follow you back so we can start tweeting.
And if you’d like, leave a comment below with your Twitter ID so other readers can follow you too.
Happy Tweeting!
Original post by Tech Savvy Mama
teachmama says
Hooray! I love this post because so many people–myself included–are still mystified by Twitter and aren’t too sure how to use it. Thanks for clarifying it, and I’ll ‘tweet’ ya later. . .
jodifur says
@jodifur. And I twitter constantly. I loved the twitter co founders statement in the interview when he said, “twitter is the messaging service we didn’t know we needed until we had it.” Genius.
Amy says
It took me about 3 months to start to understand the benefits of twitter. Now I feel like it’s helping me form a relationship with other bloggers, and it’s a new source of cool things online. Find me @mediamacaroni
Smiling Mama says
What perfect timing! I was just trying to explain twitter to a group of ladies last night. I’m afraid I didn’t do a very good job because they still just didn’t get it.I’ll not only pass this along to them but will read-up so I can better explain it next time!
Jessica McFadden says
What a super how-to & definition! I am forwarding this to those that I haven’t been able to adequately explain Twitter to.
Oh, I’m @jessicaAPISS:
Asianmommy says
Thanks for the links!
KTP says
Thanks for the shout out, L!
rebecca.wilson says
Thank you! I appreciate the help understanding Twitter. I still don’t quite get how this differs from using status updates on FB. Why would you use both??