This post is sponsored by Rayovac but all opinions are my own.
Halloween can be such a fun night of the year for kids and parents alike if everyone remembers to be safe. Taking a bit of time to do a few things before Halloween can help make the night go smoothly, especially as excited kids are clamoring to get out the door to show off their costumes to the neighbors in exchange for candy. Establishing expectations about trick-or-treating behavior, regardless of how old your kids are, helps keep everyone safe regardless if you’re accompanying them or they’re heading out with a group of friends.
Here are a few helpful reminders of things to do before Halloween, that night, and when you return home from trick-or-treating that I hope will help your family have a great time while staying safe this year.
Before Halloween
Consider adding reflective tape to your costume.
Craft and hardware stores, as well as online retailers like Amazon, sell reflective tape in all sorts of colors that can add a cool element to any costume when the sun goes down. I recently saw red, white, yellow, and silver at our local hardware store. For under $4 a roll, a little can go a long way when it comes to safety.
Assemble your group.
Who will you be trick or treating with this year? If you love to go as a group, a Friday night potluck dinner could be a great way to start off the night. If older kids are going out independently, make sure you know which friends they’re going with, what neighborhoods they’re visiting, and they take a fully charged cell phone just in case you need to reach each other during the night.
Test flashlights.
Nothing is worse than trying to swap out dead batteries for working ones as your kids are clamoring to get out the door. Take a few minutes to round up the flashlights in your home, replacing all batteries before Halloween night comes and ensuring you have a flashlight for everyone.
One of our new favorites is the Rayovac Glow in the Dark Flashlight because of it’s compact size, glow in the dark capabilities which makes it easy to find when dropped in the dark, and super bright LED lights. It’s currently $1 off with the code GLOWINTHEDARK on the Rayovac site where all orders over $25 receive free shipping. Stock up on batteries and flashlights to get free shipping for your order!
On Halloween Night
Establish expectations before you go out.
Review basic Halloween safety rules like looking both ways before crossing the street at the corners, walking on sidewalks instead of the street or the neighbor’s grass, avoiding dark houses, only entering homes when you’re with a trusted adult, and holding up long costumes when walking by jack-o-lanterns with flickering candles on walkways.
Don’t forget the flashlights!
Put down the phone and be social.
Halloween is a great night to catch up with your neighbors and say hi instead of lingering on the sidewalk with the screen of your smartphone illuminating your face. If your loved ones are with you and there’s no need to take it out, then unplug and leave it at home to focus on the fun of the evening with your kids.
Remember to model good behavior.
This year Halloween is on a Friday night which means it’s a great time to be social but before you go out with a drink in hand, think about what message that conveys to your kids about safety. It’s hard to ask them to be safe if our judgment may be compromised by alcohol and we’re not at the top of our game to keep them safe.
When You Return Home
Inspect your candy before you eat it.
My brother and I always had a tradition of coming home and dumping all of our candy out on the kitchen table. We loved sorting it and trading but it was also a great way to make sure that everything was wrapped. Unwrapped candy went straight in the trash for safety reasons.
Discuss moderation.
Sure, it’s tempting to eat ALL THE CANDY but it’s a great time to remind kids about moderation and having something healthy before indulging in sweet treats like candy.
All opinions are my own. Thanks to 8 year old Captain Computer for serving as the flashlight tester and hand model. He wants you to know he’s a flashlight connoisseur and a big fan of the glow-in-the-dark grip!