This post is sponsored by Always #LikeAGirl Earlier this month Emily completed her high school applications, a process that felt like a precursor of what’s to come as she progresses through high school and looks to college. She attended open houses to learn about the options our public school system offers its students, deciding to…
Search Results for: #likeagirl
Why I Will Always Encourage My Daughter to Keep Playing Sports #LikeAGirl
This is a sponsored post written for the Always #LikeAGirl campaign During the 8 ½ years I’ve been blogging, my little girl has grown up. No longer the four year old who once had a pseudonym and was occasionally featured, 12 year old Emily is now a bigger part of the content that I share. By…
How Smartphones Empower Girls but Emojis Hold Them Back #LikeAGirl
This is a sponsored post written for the Always #LikeAGirl campaign What is it about middle schoolers and their phones? Growing up, I remember how much I coveted a phone in my bedroom and what a big deal it was when I finally got my own phone. It not only served as a lifeline between…
6 Ways to Support Girls Pursuing STEM and Lessons Learned from Raising a STEMinist
This post is sponsored by Always and Walmart. It’s late on a Wednesday night and I pass by her room, about to issue yet another reminder about bedtime when I pause at the doorway. My 8th grade daughter, Emily, is sitting at her desk, laptop open, fingers flying over the keys as she works furiously…
Haiti Projects Pad Project Educates Girls in Rural Haiti About Puberty, Periods & Pads
There is no shortage of lessons learned from my time in Haiti but recently I discovered that regardless of where you are in the world, talking to girls about pads, periods, and menstrual health will induce giggles. While in Fond des Blancs for the grand opening of the Haiti Project Pad Project, I had the…
The Importance of Teaching Our Girls to Embrace Failure
When I was in school and my teachers would look for someone to call on, I’d do my best to make myself invisible. Throughout elementary, middle, and high school I’d sit as still as possible, hoping I’d be overlooked to avoid the humiliation of being called on. Even though I was smart, the thought giving…