UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who sent in great ideas. Your Boca coupons are on their way! Do you have a question or topic that you would like to see addressed on Tech Savvy Mama for Reader Mail Monday? Know of a website that you would like to see as our Website of the Week? Thanks…
WebKinz Week: Imaginary World Games and MMORPGs
WebKinz Week on Tech Savvy Mama continues! Are WebKinz gateways to internet addiction? No, probably not. WebKinz World has built in some controls to prevent children from spending obscene amounts of time on the computer in their pet’s online world. However, WebKinz does serve as an entry into imaginary world games and massive multi-player online…
WebKinz Week: Parent Feedback
WebKinz Week on Tech Savvy Mama continues! As I mentioned yesterday, we are a WebKinz-free household. Little Miss Techie has not caught on to the WebKinz phenomenon as other children her age, and older, have. Since we don’t have any of the friendly furry creatures in our home, and therefore no access to WebKinz World, I…
WebKinz Week: About WebKinz
From Elise in Silver Spring: We gave our niece a WebKinz for the holidays. Now that we have given her one and she’s had it for awhile, do you think it is a gateway to internet addiction? Thanks to Elise, the theme this week is WebKinz! What are WebKinz ? These aren’t your child’s ordinary…
Reader Mail Monday- WebKinz
From Elise in Silver Spring: We gave our niece a WebKinz for the holidays. Now that we have given her one and she’s had it for awhile, do you think it is a gateway to internet addiction? Tech Savvy Mama is declaring this week WebKinz week. Don’t know anything about WebKinz? You will tomorrow! Check…
Website of the Week- AlphaBaby
Do your kids love to play with your computer as much as mine? Do they commonly rename your files and threaten to erase important documents? Mine do! Little Miss Techie inadvertently rearranges bookmarks trying to visit Clifford in his online world. Captain Computer climbs into my chair and commonly finds keystroke combinations that do wonders…
Hey DC Metro Readers: Refurbished Computer Tomorrow- Saturday, March 1!
Having just written about price being a factor to consider in my previous post (Tech Savvy Daddy’s Computer Purchase Considerations), it would be unfair of me not to share with DC Metro readers that the Montgomery County Students Automotive Trades and Information Technology Foundations (IFT) will hold a sale of student-refurbished computers this Saturday, March…
Computer Time Versus Play Time
Little Miss Techie’s computer arrived this week. Now that it is here, there are so many more issues that I have besides it just taking over my precious Mommy Desk. The Mommy Desk/Future Home of the Computer is located in our home’s main hub. Conveniently located by our kitchen and living room, it is in…
Falling in Love Again
I’m in love. It sings to me, makes me laugh, and is a source of constant entertainment. It is bright, sleek, gorgeous, and thin. I have it just where I want it… in the palm of my hand. And as much as I love Tech Savvy Daddy, no it isn’t him. It is my brand…
Website of the Week- Jacquie Lawson’s Fab eCards
As a mom, I attempt to do it ALL each and every day. I’m organized. I am the master multi-tasker. I run my household like it is my job. Well it is my job. Anyways… One of the things that I continually fail to do is remember to send cards to close friends on their…