Today’s Tech Savvy guest is Karen Waters. Karen is a technical project manager who is passionate about work/life balance. With three kids, a husband, and a full-time job, her life demands technology to maintain equilibrium. She uses her technical skills to help promote efficiencies that allow her to flourish in her career while being the…
DC Readers- Rate your child’s preschool for an upcoming newspaper article!
Hey DC Metro readers! I need your help! As many of you know, I am the City Editor for Being Savvy Washington DC, an activity resource for parents of 2-6 year olds. Being Savvy is a product of Savvy Source. I just found out that a major daily newspaper is looking to do an article…
Participate in Tom Snyder Software TimeLiner Webinar Get $25 Gift Certificate!
Tom Snyder Productions makes phenomenal software. TimeLiner, Graph Club, Graph Master, Neighborhood Map Machine, and Community Construction Kit are tried and true favorites among teachers in my school district for well designed educational software that provides students with incredible learning experiences. Tom Snyder makes their titles for home use too. Beginning tomorrow, you can take…
New Author Sites Added!
Have you taken a look at my links of Websites by Curriculum Area on the right side of this post? If you haven’t visited in awhile, take a look at the Favorite Authors links where I just added links to many more author sites including: Judy Blume because who can forget SuperFudge Marc Brown, creator…
Parade Magazine’s Back to School Tech Picks
Did you happen to catch the piece in Parade Magazine this past Sunday called Parade Picks? Their Back-to-School Tech article reviewed “gizmos” for all ages and recommended the following: Preschool– Computer Cool School (ages 3-6) and V.Smile: V-Motion Active Learning System (ages 4-7) Elementary/Middle School: Tag Reading System (ages 4-8), The Speaking Spelling Bee (ages…
Scholastic Election Giveaway
Now that you have checked out my picks for 2008 election sites for kids, win some great election related prizes courtesy of Scholastic! Not only does Scholastic have a great election site for parents, teachers, and kids, but they are also extremely generous to Tech Savvy Mama readers. Scholastic is giving away election related materials…
Why Parents Need to Know Who Their Child is Texting
Since we’re on the topic of cell phones, my friend Kim (Momformation, Hormone-colored Days, and Chicago Moms Blog) just sent me a link to troubling story on the CBS13 West Sacramento website about a mom who found troubling text messages from her 15 year old daughter’s teacher. Many of you have commented that your #1 fear…
It’s Back to School Time!
Today I’m heading back to school. I’m going back to work in a different school and in a new position as a Technology Magnet Coordinator. In many ways, going back to work is like going back to school. Read how they are the same in my post over on DC Metro Moms called Back to…
Bringing Digital Media to a Classroom Near You- A Great Article by a Tech Savvy Teacher
My former high school journalism teacher is ‘da bomb. Known as Woj, she was a wonderful teacher. Over the years she’s become a good friend since we’ve kept in touch long after I graduated and now have conversations via Facebook. Yes, Facebook! Woj is no ordinary teacher! Beyond her interest in journalism, she’s also fascinated…
Tech Savvy Mama New Feature- Link Lists by Age and Curriculum Area!!
In between giving things away, enjoying my new favorite razor, and continuing to comb the web for Websites of the Week, I’ve been working on compiling links to my favorite sites for kids. On the right hand of Tech Savvy Mama you will now find separate lists of websites. Websites by Age Group includes specially…