If you’ve been reading Tech Savvy Mama for awhile, you probably noticed my love of books and all things reading related. Maybe my love of reading is due to the fact that I spent most of my teaching career teaching first graders how to read and then left the classroom and taught teachers how to…
Reading Week: LeapFrog Tag
There were just too many reading and technology related things to talk about so Reading Week has been extended! We love LeapFrog. Their products are probably the most fun educational products on the market. I have always said that if we move back to California I want to go work for them as an educational…
Reading Week Website of the Week: Seussville
Dr. Seuss books are beloved by both Little Miss Techie and Captain Computer. Fox in Socks has always been one of Little Miss Techie’s favorites and recently Captain Computer has taken a liking to Dr. Seuss’s ABCs. If your children are Dr. Seuss fans like ours are, Seussville is a wonderful place to visit. At…
Reading Week: Scholastic Summer Reading Buzz Giveaway
I *heart* Scholastic and they *heart* Tech Savvy Mama readers! As promised, here’s the details of the latest greatest Scholastic giveaway. Scholastic is giving away 10 Tech Savva Mama readers books and book bags to keep your child reading throughout the summer! 10 winners will receive book bags containing a customized selection of books specially…
Reading Week: Reading Incentive Programs
Many public library systems have summer reading programs with incentives for children to keep reading when school is out. Why are summer reading incentive programs important? They help keep kids interested in reading and aid them in maintaining their skills in the absence of school. I signed Little Miss Techie up for our library’s summer…
Reading Week: Tips to Keep Your Child Interested in Books
Thanks for coming back to learn tips that address each one of the facts I mentioned yesterday (permalink). The #1 reason kids give for not reading more is that they can’t find books they like to read. To combat this, matching a child’s mood and interests with the right book will make all the difference…
Reading Week: Did you know…
During the summer it can be hard to get children to practice skills learned during the school year. It can be especially difficult to keep kids reading. Sand toys replace board books on beach trips. Summer blockbusters and movies played on portable DVD players or on car ceilings are more appealing to kids than reading…
Website of the Week: Free Trials of Learning A-Z Sites
When I was working for the school system, one of the most popular programs was a downloadable printable book service called Reading A-Z. Teachers raved about the books because they allowed them to print and copy books to send home with students to reinforce reading skills that were being taught in class. While Reading A-Z…
The Great Scholastic Book Giveaway!
UPDATE: While I am publishing most comments, please read the criteria for this contest carefully since only comments meeting contest criteria will be eligible to win. The winner’s name will be posted here on Saturday and must contact me within 48 hours to claim the collection of books. Otherwise, another eligible reader will be eligible…
Website of the Week- PBS Kids
Earlier this week I discussed characteristics of good websites for kids. This week’s Website of the Week was selected because it is a model site for easy navigation for children and contains something for everyone. PBS Kids is a great site because it is for kids of all ages due to the variety of…