This post is sponsored by Corning® Gorilla® Glass Over the past few years there has been a groundswell of activity when it comes to girls and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) due in part to President Obama’s Educate to Innovate campaign that launched in 2009. “One of the things that I really strongly believe in…
Virtual Field Trip: An Inside Look at Corning’s Sullivan Park Research & Development Campus #LearningThroughGorillaGlass
This post is sponsored by Corning® Gorilla® Glass If I were to ask you to name the first product made by Corning Incorporated that pops into your head, chances are you might say PYREX® or CorningWare. Fair enough. While these are products the company is well known for thanks to their presence in kitchens throughout America,…
TONIGHT 9 pm ET: #LearningThroughGorillaGlass Twitter Party
Have you had a chance to share how your daughter is learning with help from her mobile device on Twitter ? If you haven’t done so, do it now by clicking the tweet button below. Go ahead. I’ll wait! Tweet #LearningThroughGorillaGlass Now that you’ve done that, I hope you’ll join me and Project Eve (@ProjectEve1), for tonight’s #LearningThroughGorillaGlass Twitter…
How Mobile Devices Help our Kids Learn How & Where They Want #LearningThroughGorillaGlass
This post is sponsored by Corning® Gorilla® Glass When I was growing up, using a computer was a treat. The single computer in my elementary school made rare appearances in my fifth grade classroom, often staying for just a day before being wheeled down the hall to be used elsewhere. Whatever time I didn’t have on…
2015 Microsoft #ImagineCup World Final Winners
What if all of your hard work came down to a single moment? For many of us, success is gradual and certainly this is true for each of the 33 teams who competed in multiple rounds of competition before arriving in Redmond, Washington last week for the global competition known as the Microsoft Imagine Cup…
Join Microsoft #ImagineCup 2015 World Championship LIVE Today at 3 pm ET / Noon PT
Today is the day where the top technology projects in Games, Innovation, and World Citizenship categories battle it out for the glory of being the Imagine Cup 2015 World Champion. Join in via the live webcast to see the three top teams battle it out before a panel of judges that includes Thomas Middleditch, star of…
An Inside Look at the 2015 Microsoft Imagine Cup #ImagineCup #MSFTImagine
As Plato said, “Necessity is the mother of invention” and yesterday Emily and I got to see amazing inventions during the first day of the Microsoft Imagine Cup competition where 122 students on 33 teams from around the world presented their ideas in the fields of Games, Innovation, and World Citizenship. As they competed for the top…
Seattle Bound for the 2015 Microsoft Imagine Cup Global Competition #ImagineCup #MSFTImagine
Do you have a technological advancement that can help solve the world’s problems? This week 33 teams from around the world are converging at the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, Washington to showcase their original projects that have brought them to the Imagine Cup World Championship. Up until this point, these teams of four students, ages…
6 Reasons Why You’ll Love the Surface Pro 3 or Surface 3
I’ve been a hybrid Mac and PC user for years who tries to pack light when it comes to traveling with devices but it hasn’t always been so easy. With tablets becoming more and more powerful, I’m feeling less like I’m giving up on capabilities for portability plus thoughtfully designed accessories make it easier to…
4 Features to Look Forward to When You Upgrade to Windows 10 on July 29
Two weeks ago when I was in Seattle attending the #OfficeChampions Summit, I got a sneak peek at Windows 10 and was pretty excited about what I saw but had to keep it under wraps until official word came from Microsoft. Earlier this week, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 will be available in 190 countries…