Life insurance is a tricky industry for a lot of people to understand. It’s hard to know exactly when you need to purchase a policy and who in your family needs one – and what does that policy even cover? To put it simply, if you have children or someone depends on you for support,…
parenting hacks
Get a Life Insurance Policy Right Now Through Your Mobile Phone and Jenny Life
This is a sponsored post Each and every day we protect our kids because they’re what matters most but how would you protect them if something happened to you? As terrifying as it is to think of our own mortality, it’s necessary to plan ahead just in case and one of the best things you…
8 Parent Hacks for Budget Friendly Kid Birthday Parties
There’s a lot to love about birthdays. Blowing out candles on the cake, fun with friends, and commemorating the beginning of another trip around the sun are worth celebrating but aren’t worth maxing out your credit card. According to Netflix, 60% of parents are more interested in saving money than time when it comes to…