Our kids spend a majority the school year learning about the discoveries of others. They learn how the world works, ways systems have functioned in the past, and inventions by others. They hear about successes and failures, but they don’t always get to engage in learning that unleashes their creativity. This summer the Thingamajig Invention…
International Space Art Contest and Poetry Invites Kids to Imagine Living in Space
When my son was in elementary school, he brought a copy of Space Case home. The book is a about a 12-year-old who is one of the first humans to live on the moon and finds himself having to solve a murder mystery during his space adventure. The book inspired a lot of conversations about…
LEGO® Education Rebuild The World Inspires Today’s Middle Schoolers to be Tomorrow’s Problem Solvers
This post is sponsored by LEGO® Education I like to tell my 8thgraders that the world of work will look far different than it does today. As a middle school teacher and parent of teens, I want my students and own two children to develop transferable skills that can be applied to any situation. But…
Remake Learning Days Bring Free STEM Programming to Communities Across the US
This post is brought to you by Remake Learning Days and The Motherhood Whenever I give presentations to PTAs and other parent groups about today’s digital parenting challenges, I remind them their child’s experiences with technology are preparing them to thrive in a world of constant change. I’m living proof that the job I have…
How the Wacom Intuos Tablet Inspires Creativity Through Digital Art
This is a sponsored post My daughter has always loved painting and sketching as ways to express her creativity, but she also delights in sitting down at her computer and writing lines of code to build websites so it makes sense that she’d gravitate towards digital art. If you’re not familiar with digital art, it…
Netflix’s Project Mc² Empowers Girls by Breaking STEAM Stereotypes
I’m often asked where Emily’s interest in STEM came from and I honestly can’t pinpoint just one thing because I believe it developed through repeated exposure to many different things over time. Knowing incredible women in the field of science provided amazing role models while engaging hands-on games and activities both at home and…