Halloween can be such a fun night of the year but it can also be filled with safety concerns. Tomorrow night we’ll be issuing reminders to our little ones to hold our hands, tweens who are heading out to trick or treat independently with friends, and establishing expectations of our teens as we drop them…
trick or treating
3 Things Your Middle Schooler Needs to Know to Trick or Treat Without You
We’ve hit a Halloween milestone in our house. As a middle school mom, it’s the first year in forever I haven’t been in charge of planning a class Halloween party and one of my kids has decided they don’t want to trick or treat. “Meh,” said Thomas with a shrug of his shoulders a month…
13 Ways Trick or Treating is Like a Attending a Work Trade Show
It’s almost Halloween and our kids are already organizing their friends and scheming the most efficient route to take for the biggest candy haul ever. As the topic came up at the dinner table, I started offering trick or treat advice. We discussed the difficult choice of going on your own versus a large group,…
Trick or Treating Safety Tips
This post is sponsored by Rayovac but all opinions are my own. Halloween can be such a fun night of the year for kids and parents alike if everyone remembers to be safe. Taking a bit of time to do a few things before Halloween can help make the night go smoothly, especially as excited…
5 Tips for Staying Safe While Trick or Treating {sponsored}
Fall means cooler temperatures, beautiful fall colors, apple and pumpkin picking, and building excitement as Halloween approaches. We love Halloween and all of the pre-holiday prep that goes into from deciding on costumes, procuring items to wear, and choosing candy in preparation for the Halloween night. As the sun sets and costumes are being put…