The Tech Savvy Team
My husband (IT genius), daughter (IT genius-in-training), and friend (everything genius) make occasional appearances as contributing authors!
Parent of 2 who has always been into computers and gadgets, Jim is a telecom junkie by trade. He likes to spend his free time doing “the opposite of IT work” on the weekend, usually outdoor activities like camping or chain-sawing. A Mac user who uses an Android phone, Jim doesn’t always follow the masses in evaluating technology and serves as Leticia’s in-house IT department. Read posts by Jim here.
Emily is a young philanthropist with a passion for raising money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. A She loves all things crafty but is also a geek at heart. One summer Emily convinced her dad to teach her how to code in Python and she took off and hasn’t ever looked back. You can find her fundraising page for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation at Ribbon Barrettes for Research and read more about her efforts featured in the Family Circle article, How to Raise an Entrepreneurial Kid (print & online, August 2018). Emily’s posts can be found here.
Lisa, writer of A Daily Pinch, is a freelance writer and digital strategist living in Charlotte, NC area. When she’s not writing or advising clients, she can be found behind the lens of her favorite camera or reading. Posts by Lisa can be found here.