As our family gears up for another school year and the official end of summer draws near, I’m looking forward to Labor Day weekend for one last hurrah. We had a fabulous summer and completed a majority of our items on our summer bucket list but having a three day weekend leaves plenty of time…
How We’re Completing Our Summer Bucket List with Help From DC Mosquito Squad
Like those who are still in school all across the country, my kids are counting down the days until summer vacation where structured days mix with carefree ones that are opportunities to complete the items on their summer bucket lists. Thomas and Emily recently sat down and made a list of all the things they…
29 Ways to Protect Your Family from Mosquito Bites and Zika Virus
With temperatures that have fluctuated all winter, spring seems to have finally arrived but with it come the bugs that are associated with warmer weather, including mosquitos. These bugs aren’t just backyard pests whose bites leave itchy welts. They also carry diseases like malaria, dengue fever, West Nile virus, and yellow fever but now Zika…
Our Summer Bucket List of Outdoor Activities to Do Before School Starts
While summer may seem long when school ends in June, the arrival of August always makes me feel like the days of summer are so limited. The lazy days of June and July are replaced with wanting to cross everything off of our summer bucket list before the kids go back to school and we…
How to Keep Biting Bugs Away from Special Summer Events
Having a mosquito-free yard makes me practically forget that the annoying biting insects exist until I’m somewhere else and fighting them off as they leave big angry welts behind. This was this case over the weekend as I sat at our neighborhood pool enjoying the shade of the large trees while swatting at mosquitos as…
4 Ways to Get Rid of Backyard Mosquitos and Ticks
When I’m not in front of the computer, I love unplugging to enjoy time outside but as we approach summer, warm weather, thunderstorms, and humidity means onslaught of mosquitos that adore me. It’s always been hard to enjoy dinner al fresco when mosquitos are at their prime but even walking from our driveway to our…