Her e-mail has always been filtered through my account until a few days ago when Tech Savvy Daddy decided that composing e-mail would be a great way to encourage her developing writing skills. He set up her account to accept mail from select known accounts from friends and family members (sorry spammers!) and after a quick lesson about how to check and compose e-mail, turned the computer back over to her.
Tech Savvy Daddy sat down at his computer with his back to Little Miss Techie to do some work of his own. She opened a new mail message, had the auto-fill enter her grandmother’s e-mail address from the address book, and then paused before saying, “I want to send a picture. How do I send a picture?”
Ah, sending an attachment. That was clearly missing from the initial e-mail lesson!
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Original post by Tech Savvy Mama
Yay Little Miss Techie! They’ve been adding images to their projects in Media recently, glad to hear she wanted to take the next step on her own!
Of course! What fun is email without pictures!
Love it! Isn’t just crazy where technology has taken us! My little one in her little 3yo voice tells me that I need to go to nickJR.com today and see what’s going one. What a riot!
PS – BTW, I’m sure your not surprised that my little one also has an email address!
what a riot! (and what an awesome way of getting LMTechie to compose!)
Precocious and so astute – she knows what her Grandma likes! I want to be like LMT when I grow up…
Lol, what use is email if you can’t send off a pic or two:)