Little Miss Techie loves to read and recently she’s been eagerly anticipating the arrival of the weekend for the delivery of the Sunday comics at our doorstep. Watching her sitting at our kitchen table reading through the comics and hearing her giggle reminds me of how much I loved the comics at her age too.
It should be no surprise that the comics have gone digital and are now available on the PlayStation Portable (PSP). DC Comics brings some of the world’s most well known heroes and villains to the screen of the handheld device. The PlayStation Store boasts 80 titles including Batman: Hush, Green Lantern: Rebirth, Fables: Legends in Exile and Planetary: All Over the World and Other Stories and exclusive comics like Superman/Batman!
My PSP came loaded with Archie but I found are lots more free titles available through the free comics section in the PlayStation Store. I was pleased to find that the overview of each comic included a general age range recommended by the publishers. Of the 27 free titles, I found that there was an excellent selection for Little Miss Techie. Comics I downloaded for the 3+ age range included Donald Duck and the Fussy Genie, AstroBoy, Wallace and Gromit, and Young Salem for Little Miss Techie’s reading pleasure.
Even though I may have just written about establishing guidelines for summer screen time, encouraging children to practice their reading skills by reading the comics is far better than not reading at all. Plus the novelty of reading on the PSP can be a huge motivation for reluctant readers!
I do love that my PSP now houses 8 different digital comics to provide Little Miss Techie with lots of reading for our upcoming trips. My only concern is that once she starts reading comics on my PSP, I’m not sure I’ll ever get it back!
What was your favorite comic as a kid? Leave a comment below and be entered to win a $50 PlayStation Network gift card courtesy of the PlayStation Family Fun Campaign! Also feel free to visit these posts for additional entries!
I was invited to participate in the PSP Summer Family Fun blogger program by Sony Corporate Entertainment America and share my experiences using the PSP. I received these items to document my experiences and was not compensated for my participation however, I do hope that my involvement might allow me the opportunity to win a BlogHer conference sponsorship. All opinions are my own. $50 Sony PlayStation Network gift card will be given away at the end of my 3 week participation in the PSP Summer Family Fun blogger program.
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Original post by Tech Savvy Mama
I’m afraid I have never been a Comic reader. Even as a child but my kids really want this new app to read “Free Realms” which is an online game and a comic.
My first comic and my favorite comic is by far Watchmen! I never liked superhero comics and rather opted for serious mangas, which took their readers more seriously and didn’t create thousands of multiple universes just to keep spiderman and co in the storylines!
My favorite comic as a kid was Spiderman, the best of the best 🙂
I hope I win that card, I need it
I’ve never been a big comic fan, but I did enjoy Peanuts in the newspaper and I use to buy the Archie comic books!