Play is the work of children that assists them to make sense of the world around them whether navigating friendship issues, exploring roles as caretakers, or going on adventures. Fans of Octonauts on Disney Junior will love embarking on underwater missions to learn about marine life will enjoy having the opportunity to act their adventures with new toys from Fisher Price.
This new line of toys that accompanies the popular allows kids to re-enact favorite missions by role playing with the eight underwater heroes that “explore, rescue and protect” the creatures of the sea. Whether exercising teamwork to problem solve in the Octopod Playset or exploring underwater worlds or helping ocean friends from the GUP-A Mission Vehicle, these new toys help reinforce learning, love for marine life, and are pure fun for Octonauts fans.
The Octopod Playset features two baskets to rescue creatures and an anchor that can be hoisted and lowered by pulley systems on both sides of the Octopod. Two slides on each side allow included explorer creatures to make it into the Octopod’s command central.
The GUP-A Mission vehicle is a toy that is designed for use in the water and on land. An arm, hook, and net are included to aid in play rescue missions, a crank propeller, front hatch that can be raised up and down, and a completely removable back hatch.
If you’re not familiar with Octonauts, the Disney Channel show features mission-based episodes that center around the daring rescue of a real aquatic creature while providing factual information about the animal’s physical characteristics, behavioral traits and natural habitat. The crew explores new underwater worlds and saves the day before safely returning to their underwater home base, the Octopod.
According to Kurt Mueller, Executive Producer of Octonauts, the show introduces kids to fundamental scientific concepts, such the diversity of creatures, weather patterns, simple geography and mapping, ocean habitats and the physical and behavioral characteristics of ocean life. Kids can watch the show to expand their vocabulary. Mueller encourages kids to watch to learn “what symbiosis means, why Marine Iguanas sneeze salt, how Walruses socialize and where in the ocean you’re more likely to encounter water spouts and whirlpools.” Every episode illustrates what it means to be a good scientist and a good member of the community. Kids can see that it’s fun to be a part of a team and that by working together, everyone can become a hero that strives to “explore, rescue, and protect” others, be it on land or at sea.
GIVEAWAY: Octonauts is providing one (1) Octonauts prize pack containing 2-3 Octonauts toys from the new line by Fisher Price. To enter, watch an episode of the Octonauts on Disney Junior or visit the Octonauts website and leaving a comment about which Octonaut is your favorite and why before April 29.
For additional entries, complete the required entry above before doing any of the following:
- Visit the Meet the Octonauts page and leave a comment sharing which one your child would most like to have over for a play date and why.
- Is your child an Octonauts fan? Have them help you complete Captain Barnacles’ favorite phrase, “Sound the _____” and leave the missing word in your comment!
- Follow me on Pinterest and leave a link to your Pinterest page so I can follow you back.
- Tweet this daily and leave a link to your tweet in the comments: Love the @Octonauts? @TechSavvyMama is teaming up with @DisneyJunior for a toy #giveaway
One lucky winner will be randomly selected from the comments section. Please note that we cannot accommodate specific toy requests. For complete contest rules, please visit my Official Sweepstakes Rules page.
I am an Octonauts Blog Ambassador. This post is part of a sponsored campaign. I received compensation for my participation, but my review and opinions are my own. Amazon Affiliate links included in this post. Some images courtesy of Disney Junior and Fisher Price.
Dashi, but they are all so darn cute my son would love this.
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Kwazii is the best because he has spunk like my Kenzie.
Tweak Bunny so they can fix things together
Sound the Octoalert!
I like Kwazii because he reminds me of my cat.
I Follow you on pinterest(Kelly Saver)
My son is almost 4, he LOVES octonauts (we’re having a Octonauts bday party for him in May!) My son says his favorite character is Quasi because he is funny!
Haha, Kwazii*
My son said he would like Kwazii to come to our house and play, because he has an eye patch like a real pirate and he’s funny!
Sound the Octo-Alert!
Following on Pinterest as Cassandra Eastman/eastman520!
Sorry, my pinterest link is :
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tweet …
Shared on twitter!
My daughter LOVES this show! My favorite is captain barnacles because he’s a great leader and always directs the team to help others.
My daughter’s favorite is Kwazii and she’d most like to have him over because she’s obsessed with cats.
Followed you on Pinterest.
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Turnip is my favorite – I love the dance break!
My sons favorite is Kwazi – they’d get into a lot of trouble together on a play date!
Sound the Octo-alert!
I follow on Pinterest.
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My son loves Kwazzi!
My son would love to meet Kwazzi!
Sound the Octoalert!
I’m following you on Pinterest
Here is a link to mine!
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daily tweet…
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i love the octoalert because my son loves it!
pinterest follow cljessa
Favorite is Peso!
“Sound the Octoalert”! (We watch this show multiple times a day ha, ha!)
Following on pinterest. Here’s me:
Peso is my favorite.
My daughter would like to have Barnacles over for a playdate because he is the captain.
“Sound the Octoalert”
My daughter would love to meet Kwazzi because he is very adventurous.
We all love Peso.
Following. Here’s my page:
I think the little one would like to have a playdate with Kwazii.
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daily tweet…
Octoalert is my favorite.
My child would like Peso Penquin because he is a medic and reminds the kids of their dad.
sound the octoalert
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We like Captain Barnacles because he is always there to help.
I think my little one would love to play with Peso because they both have a medic bag!
I follow you on Pinterest.
my daily tweet…
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OH I would have to say Kwazii Kitten! Carter would love that he’s a pirate!!!! Carter is getting into the pirates right now!
OH for a playdate…I would have to go with Tweak Bunny! Carter loves to build things and I think he would love to build contraptions with Tweak!
Sound the Octoalert!
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Laura J
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Tweet for 4/27
Tweet for 4/28
tweak bunny because I love collaboration and helpfulness
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Did anyone ever win this? I was so hoping it was me!! =)