This is part of a sponsored post series written as a compensated member of Master Lock’s Live Secure Safety Squad.
In the summer months, everything seems a little more carefree and while I look forward to having some days with no agenda other than the one set by my two kids, it’s not a time to let down my guard as far as safety and security are concerned. Whether we’re leaving the house for some time at the pool, embarking on a summer vacation, or visiting one of our favorite spots as a day trip, it’s important to safeguard our home, belongings, and personal information all the time. Here are seven helpful tips for summer safety that also extend into other seasons.
Leave keys for house sitters and dog walkers in a secure location.
Leaving a key under the doormat, in the mailbox, or beneath a flower pot may seem like a good idea for convenience purposes but they’re not secure spots. Instead, lock up your keys for those that need access to your home while away with a Portable Key Safe like the Master Lock 5422D. Set your own combination with up to 12 letters, numbers, or both to ensure that only those who should be accessing your home can get the key that’s inside the Portable Key Safe.
Store digital copies of passports in one secure location.
If you’re taking a trip to an international destination this summer, snap a photo of your passport before you leave. Having a copy of your passport can help expedite the replacement process at the nearest United States Embassy if yours is lost or stolen during your travels. Store a digital copy of your passport in a Master Lock Vault account for free.
Empower kids to take care of their belongings with a kid-friendly bike lock.
Summer is a great time to go bike riding. It’s important to get kids in the practice of being safe riders by wearing helmets, having reflectors or lights for twilight rides, and also securing their bike whenever it’s parked. We’ve had many instances of bikes disappearing from neighbor’s front porches over the years that’s always disheartening but a good reminder to keep bikes locked when not in use. We like these 3 kid friendly bike locks for young riders but take some time to visit Master Lock Bike with your kids to view their full selection of combination locks and bike locks in order to select the one that is best for each child. I also wrote a post about bike safety with helpful tips about ways to keep you and your bike safe.

Image courtesy of Death to Stock Photo
Snap a photo of your kids before heading out.
If your child has ever wandered from your eyesight for more than a second, you know the terrifying feeling that overcomes you when they go missing. Even the most careful parents who keep watchful eyes on their kids can benefit from snapping a photo of their child in their outfit of the day with their smartphone. This provides a visual of what your child looks like and what they’re wearing if they wander away in the grocery store, at an amusement park, zoo, street fair, during fireworks, etc. If you upload each day’s photo in Master Lock Vault, you’ll also have a great series of snapshots chronicling their growth for all posterity!
Secure outdoor belongings with heavy duty padlocks.
Before you skip town or head to the neighbor’s house for an evening of barbecuing, be sure to do a sweep of the yard and put away any items that might be used as weapons to break into your home or stolen while you’re gone. Garden tools that could be used to break windows or pry open doors should be put away in the house or locked in a shed. If you use a shed, invest in a padlock that will withstand the seasons and keep your belongings safe. I like the Magnum Laminated Padlock M5XDLF to lock our shed and extension ladders that we store outside.

Original image courtesy of Master Lock. Text courtesy of moi.
Add an extra layer of security where needed.
Adding extra hardware to secure your home is never a bad idea. Boost home security by adding locking window latches to low windows and a Master Lock 265DCCSEN door security bar to patio doors to keep intruders out and young kids inside.
Keep passwords to online accounts in the cloud.
It’s easy to forget important passwords to online accounts when traveling but if you have a computer file or journal-style notebook full of passwords to your various online accounts, transfer them to Master Lock Vault where they will be stored safely. Files are one of the first things that thieves look for if they’re trying to steal your identity off of a stolen computer or device. Journals can be easily lost, stolen, or misplaced while traveling which jeopardizes the safety of your personal information.
As a member of Master Lock Live Secure Safety Squad, I also receive samples to facilitate my posts. All opinions are my own.