This post is sponsored by Wonder Workshop In the past few years we’ve seen growing emphasis on STEM education and rightfully so. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “over 800,000 new STEM jobs were added to the U.S. economy” between May 2009 and May 2015.” “Computer occupations made up nearly 45 percent of STEM…
Remake Learning Days Bring Free STEM Programming to Communities Across the US
This post is brought to you by Remake Learning Days and The Motherhood Whenever I give presentations to PTAs and other parent groups about today’s digital parenting challenges, I remind them their child’s experiences with technology are preparing them to thrive in a world of constant change. I’m living proof that the job I have…
#GiftSmart with Smart STEM Themed Gifts from Radio Shack
This is a sponsored post When I was a kid, the primary resource for all things geeky for those who loved to tinker and build was Radio Shack. Little bins towards the back of the store filled with wires, parts that featured buttons, and things that whose purpose was a mystery made the store an…
Announcing #STEMchatOnAir Coming Tuesday, March 25!
Since science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are subjects that we love in our home, I’m passionate about sharing great STEM resources with you through this site but also through a new venture called #STEMchatOnAir, a new venture with with Kim Moldofsky from The Maker Mom. #STEMchatOnAir is going to be a monthly live chat…