This holiday season tablets are hot items on many holiday wish lists and if you read my 5 things to consider when buying a tablet for your kids post, you’ll know that the Amazon Fire HD Kids Edition meets my five requirements. Fire HD Kids Edition is built with safety and durability in mind, features…
tablets for kids
Buying a Tablet for Your Kids? 5 Things to Consider (w. giveaway)
Parents who are considering getting a tablet for their child this holiday season may feel a bit overwhelmed with the choices but knowing what options to pay attention to helps narrow the field. In addition to the age of your child, here are 4 things to look for when shopping for tablets this holiday season….
5 Tips for Securing Hand Me Down Tablets Before Giving Them to Kids
If you’re spending the weekend playing with your new iPad and considering handing down your old device to your children, you’re not alone! According to a recent PBS KIDSsurvey, nearly a quarter of parents of 2–10 year olds find a second life for their personal tech devices by handing them down to their kids. Multi-iPad…
2011 Holiday Toy Favorites from Time to Play Holiday Showcase
Last week Time to Play Magazine shared the hot toys for 2011 at a New York City press event where they unveiled the year’s Most Wanted List. Here’s video from the event where professional toy testers Jim Silver, Chris Byrne, and Shannon Eis share their 19 picks. Besides the 19 hot toys of the year, there were 40…
LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Review: Tablet Delivers High Quality Educational Content Through Sophisticated Technology
LeapFrog’s LeapPad Explorer has been hot news ever since it debuted earlier this spring and for a good reason— it lives up to the hype as being the hot new electronic learning toy! The LeapPad is an innovative kid-friendly tablet that can be personalized for ages 4-9. It combines great technology with LeapFrog’s legendary educational…
LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer- Tablet for the younger generation
Recently a friend asked me about tablets for her children. While you could get an iPad or a Motorola Xoom, chances are you want something a little less expensive and more child friendly and durable. I’m not saying that those options aren’t good for certain ages but with the plethora of features, constant internet access,…