Getting hacked is never fun and it happens to even the most tech savvy. Trust me, I know. Over the weekend, my Twitter account was hacked while I slept and by the time I woke up, I was completely locked out and I ceased to exist as @TechSavvyMama on the platform I’d been using for…
Lands’ End Ultimate Back-to-School Twitter Party
Summer is almost over and its time for back to school! This year Little Miss Techie will start kindergarten for Little Miss Techie and Captain Computer is quite excited about going to preschool. Back to school means getting back into the school routine of packing lunches, laying out clothes the night before, and going to…
4 Steps to Understanding Twitter
For those of you who know exactly what I am talking about when I mention tweeps, tweets, tweeples, celebrity tweets, dweet, follow, DM, tweetup, hashtags, and follow your tweeps on Tweetdeck or Twhirl and use apps like Twitterfon to post mobile updates…Carry on. There’s nothing new to learn here. You are well schooled in the…