The ways my kids consume content are far different from the way I watched television at their age. There is no anxiously watching the clock to make sure they’re in front of the TV as their favorite show starts. There’s no frustration over forgetting to set the VCR to record favorite shows when they’re not at home. And there’s no Thursday Must-See TV that we rush home for. When my kids want to watch something, they turn to Netflix and stream because their shows are always there waiting for them.
Setting Up Netflix Profiles for Kids
Emily is 11 ½ and she and her brother, Thomas (age 9), are masters of Netflix. When they want to watch television, they turn to Netflix Streaming where we’ve set up a profile for each member of the family.
They love that their profiles have suggestions just for them. Emily doesn’t ever have to see suggestions of Phineas and Ferb and Thomas can avoid Good Luck Charlie!
Not only do profiles in our family Netflix account provide content tailored to our various interests but it allows us to set parental controls in each profile. We’ve also marked the default experience of each profile “kid friendly” by simply checking a checkbox to state that the profile is for a child under the age of 12.
So what are our kids watching?
I always can take a look at what Emily and Thomas have been watching by logging into Netflix and opening up their profile page where I can always find a list of recently watched shows.
As I sat down to write this post, I asked Emily what on her list that she’s loved and would recommend to others her age. Here are her suggestions for 5 movies and a show with a brief synopsis of each show or movie in her own words!
- Lemonade Mouth— Story of a high school bands who meets in detention and bonds over music
- Bandslam— Story of a high school band and their manager. A little bit of a love story but it is a good music with good music.
- Cowbelles— 2 rich high school girls trying to keep the family dairy alive because someone stole all their money.
- Daddy Day Care— An out of work dad starts a daycare for toddlers in the neighborhood after unsuccessfully finding a daycare for his son.
- Pink Panther 2— A great sequel to the first one with fun twists on the case and Clouseau’s hilarious takes on the case.
- Cupcake Wars— A Food Network show where people compete for $10,000 by baking cupcakes. BEWARE – THIS SHOW MAKES YOU HUNGRY!
Besides Netflix’s algorithm providing suggestions based on her interests, Emily says she checks the Common Sense Media website first to figure out if Netflix’s suggested movies are right for her. Ah, I’ve taught her well!
I am a Netflix Stream Team Member and while I am not compensated, my family does enjoy a complimentary Netflix subscription and other items for my involvement.