Does the hassle of scheduling your sitters keep you from scheduling much-needed date nights? Endless calls, voicemails, emails, and texts can certainly be a time sucking deterrent but SitterScout makes allows you to instantly reach out to your network of sitters with a single text. SitterScout is an online and mobile app that works from…
iPhone apps- parents
Marble Jar App Rewards Positive Behaviors Instantly
I’m often wondering why some mornings and afternoons feel so hectic when we’ve been in school for almost two months and have our routines in place. In the morning after breakfast it always seems like little glitches occur to throw us off schedule and make it hard to get out the door. In the afternoon,…
Friday Faves: Fourth of July Guide to Fireworks, Drinks from Martha Stewart, and a Tune by The Sing-a-ma-jigs
Besides the Fourth of July being Independence Day and part of a long weekend, it’s also my birthday! We always have more than enough things to do on the 4th which makes for a fun day, usually ending with ice cream cake and fireworks. has an interactive guide to fireworks Speaking of fireworks…Want to become…
AT&T participates in Text4Baby: Tips on your Baby’s Growth & Development
Today’s tech savvy guest is Laura, a wife and working mom who has been with AT&T for 13 years and is currently the Executive Director of Multicultural Marketing. Laura is here to share how expectant mothers can track their baby’s growth and development in the womb and receive milestones and tips from AT&T and Text4Baby….
iMapMyRun Uses iPhone’s GPS to Track Route & Store Run Data
A bunch of my colleagues are starting to train for upcoming 10Ks and fall marathons and while I can’t say I’m joining them, I’m cheering them on and have been talking up the iMapMyRun app. Even though my runs are confined to a mile of pushing a jogging stroller of 75 lbs of kids to…
Lose It! iPhone App Helps Manage Calorie Intake
I tend not to make New Years’ resolutions because I just end up breaking them but between holiday houseguests and this weekend’s birthday celebration for Little Miss Techie, I’m vowing to get back on the exercise bandwagon. Past attempts have been successful as I’ve won pots of money each time my colleagues and I have…