Skylanders is one of the hottest gaming titles on the market right now and one very luck reader has the opportunity to win a giant basket filled with limited edition and not-yet-released Skylanders items! It includes Giants toys, the Skylanders Battle arena, Adventure case, Bobble Stylus, Skylanders Giants Rolling Bookbags, Skylanders Giants sweatshirts, a poster, beach towel and so much more!
Here’s the full list of items contained in the Skylanders Giant Easter Basket giveaway valued at $254:
- 7 Giant Toys ($14.99 each) = $104.93
- Skylanders Battle Arena (Power-A) – $39.99
- Skylanders Adventure Case (Power-A) – $29.99
- Skylanders Bobble Stylus for Nintendo DS – $9.99
- Skylanders Giants 16-Month 2013 Calendar (Day Dream Brand) – $14.99
- Skylanders Book of Elements Paperback Book (Grosset&Dunlap) – $6.99
- 2 MLB Skylanders Giants Dog Tags (Topps) $2.99/each =
- Skylanders Giants Rolling Bookbags – price TBD *Not yet available
- Skylanders Giants Long-sleeve Sweatshirts (Assorted colors; featuring either “Bouncer” or “TreeRex”)
- Skylanders Giants Micro Raschel Throw Blankets (Northwest Company) – $14.99
- Mega Bloks Skylanders Giants Troll Mech Ambush (Mega Bloks) – $24.99
- Skylanders Poster – $2.99
- Skylanders Beach Towel – $12.99
To enter, use the Rafflecopter form below and good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am receiving Skylanders products in exchange for hosting this giveaway.
We just picked up a bunch of characters yesterday. I don’t have a favorite but Sophia’s is Hex and Nijini. I love how all the few characters can kick butt!
I think the want we want next is Eye Brawl for Larry!
I love Double trouble….he is great to use with his magic attacks
I commented on the 10 Must Have Disney Apps for Kids: Classic Stories & Connected Learning Character Apps post
I love chill and hope to get Nijini next
I don’t think she’s out yet, but I Roller Brawl., I feel like in another life I could totally be a Roller Derby gal.
Chill. With a name like that what’s not to love!
I commented in the This is 40 Hollywood families giveaway. Does that count? 😉
I like Stealth Elf, but I’d like to get Hex. I don’t think we have her yet.
My family absolutely loves skylanders i really hope i win this awesome basket! my favorite skylander is ninjini she was so hard to find i looked for her since her release date and just recently got her and i love her because her abilities are so amazing in game i love the fact that she can go into a botlte and also fight with swords as a ninja as well! thanks for the chance to win and goodluck to all!
Twitter: @volcombrandon
We have to go with Chill.
I like Chop Chop (gold) because he’s rare and figure stat looks good.
My favorite is still Gil. I love to scoot around with his water pack but my nephew thinks the laugh of Trigger Happy is hilarious and laughs along with him
My nephew is completely obsessed with Skylanders and has been getting my son into it too. Tree Rex is a favorite.
I find Skylanders all over my house “spying on me”! It’s the funniest thing! In this house they are worth more than gold!!
My son’s favorite is Eruptor because he can shoot fire 🙂
Double Trouble and cynder are some favorite ones .
I’m definitely Hot Dog. What a cute highly flammable ball of fun he is. 🙂
I love Prism Break. Love raining down crystals and firing laser beams. My son is looking at Wrecking Ball as his next add.
Esmerelle – I am often the only female in a group
I like chill and want to get hex
When I play with my boys I usually play with Cynder. He’s a fun character to play with in general but I also like that we have the glow in the dark figure lol.
I’m most like Ignitor because I can be a little of a hothead.
Apparently Sam’s favorite is Stump Smash…i’m partial to Hex myself!
I love Chill Because he reminds me of the the Main character from dragon Warrior :)..I think next Im going to get Sprocket!
Cynder because it’s my favorite color!
I like LightCore Pop Fizz. His ears and blue hair are super cute!
Zap who I have named “Spaz” is my fave. The name says it all. LOL
Hex, because of her no-nonsense attitude.
My son likes tree rex…’just because’…
I would like to get double trouble!
One of my other faves is Whirlwind.
The next character that I want is Hot Dog. He is adorable and on fire. LOL
I am like Stealth Elf. Silent but deadly.
My son is looking forward to getting a magical character next. Pop Fizz is on his list.
Trigger Happy is a fave in our home!!!
I like Flashwing- blinded by the light (because I am usually a nightowl)
I like Hex the Undead series2 she looks wicked
I would say I’m most like Ninjini! I can’t wait to add her to our collection.
Eruptor (Fire) lol because that’s what I look like when I get upset…as for my kids they love all of them and since they are six yrs apart its great that they have something they both love…my son’s birthday is coming up this would be so great.
So far my favorite is Tree Rex. Probably because he was our first Giant. And I’d like to get Hex next.
My kids said they would love nijini I don’t know much about them but my kids would love them
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I commented on this post thanks so much for all the giveaways
I’m going to say “Chill” because I am freezing right now
I think Chill is awesome
My kids love Spyro.
My kids are hoping to collect all of the Spyro figures.
I personally like Chill, but I would like to get all the dragon figures for my kids.
I like Flashwing, because he’s really neat. I also love Spyro.
I’m thinking Hot Dog, he’s cute haha
I like Camo because he is my son’s favorite and he’s cute!
Love Stealth Elf and Chill. They both are awesome and kick some serious butt! 🙂
Commented on the iPotty: iPad Entertainment for Potty Training post.
Love Stealth Elf. Hoping to get Cynder next. The kids love this game! 🙂
I have no idea! My son is a fan and trying to explain the game to me, but I’m still catching up on who the Skylanders are.
We like Camo the best and Shroomboom is on my son’s list to get next!
Tree Rex is a favorite here
I like Chill best because she’s beautiful and “Chill”
I love Chill best and hope to get her next.
I think I am most like Eruptor, since I can be a little bit of a hot head sometimes. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
I would say I am sometimes like Boomer bc I get the same crazy eyes…lol! Thanks for the chance, my son would LOVE this!
I love Hex best because she is a queen among kings…and we are looking forward to getting any of the giants
My favorite new character is EyeBrawl. My son just loves Bouncer.
Cynder, he’s awesome
whirlwind is MY fave!
I’m like Hex, because I’m no nonsense and I don’t beat around the bush. And I’m mad loyal when I want to be!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
My sons would lose their minds over this–they live Skylanders!
My favorite Giant is Swarm. My son is very fond of Hot Head and Thumpback. Skylanders we really use all of them, but Hex and Cynder are my favorites. My son uses Zook and Shroomboom. We are looking forward to trying Ninjini and Trigger Happy. Rumor has it that a certain Easter Bunny might be bringing a Skylander or two/ish next weekend.
I am most like Chop Chop because I can be relentless.
stealth elf because my kids never know where I am
Roller Brawl…I am a total roller derby girl
I love Thumpback, he looks like a walking whale
I love Thumpback and hope to get Tree Rex next
Double Trouble for me
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Hot Dog… say my Grands so I’ll go with that.
Chill – I like his cool ice staff!
I like Hot Dog because he is very cool looking
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We like Ninjini – we hope to get some of the Swap Force characters.
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I like Chill!
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Woohoo! I just sent you my information. Thank you so much!!!! : )