As adults, we love YouTube for the multitude of varied content but as parents, we’ve been concerned about our kids’ safety. We’ve trusted the YouTube Kids app to keep them safe for years. But if your tween or teen is growing up and out the kids app, YouTube supervised experiences is a new option that…
How to Teach Young Kids to Think Like Engineers
There’s no one way to teach young kids to think like engineers because it comes naturally. Toddlers and preschoolers are fascinated with building things and taking things apart. Elementary ages use learning to build more complex things using different materials and methods. Fostering curiosity and natural problem-solving skills among the youngest ages helps to build…
26 YouTube Kids STEM Channels & Videos to Inspire Future STEMinists
This post is sponsored by YouTube Kids During the week you can find me in a computer lab down on one knee helping students learn to code. Most of my students chose to take my high school level computer class as an 8th grade elective but some, like Leesa, were assigned to the class. “I…
3 Important YouTube Kids Safety Updates Parents Will Appreciate
From its earliest days, YouTube has been a site for people over 13, but with increased family content and the rise of shared devices, the likelihood of children watching without supervision has increased. When YouTube Kids was launched in February 2015, the goal was to create a place where kids could access enriching and engaging…
5 Ways to Keep Kids Safe on YouTube and YouTube Kids
Whenever YouTube or YouTube Kids is in the news for controversial content, we feel betrayed for trusting a brand that puts our kids at risk. This week, old news about the dangers of the Momo challenge resurfaced along with new reports of dangerous content on YouTube Kids masquerading as kid-friendly. My Facebook wall is filled with…
6 Pro Tips for Keeping Kids Safer on YouTube Kids
As parents, our child’s safety is priority so it’s always comforting when companies that develop favorite our kid’s online platforms take this as seriously as we do. YouTube is one of the places where my kids spend a lot of time and fortunately, YouTube is one of those companies. Having served on the YouTube Parent…
How to Set Up Parent Approved Content on YouTube Kids in 2 Easy Steps
Since the YouTube Kids app launched over three years ago, the company’s goal has been to provide kids around the world a place to access videos that are enriching, engaging and allowed them to explore their endless interest but one thing has always been missing— the ability for parents to approve favorite content. Today YouTube Kids…
How YouTube Personal Time Watched Profile Helps Families Manage Viewing Time
YouTube can be a blessing and a curse. On one hand, there is endless content to watch that sparks creativity and new ideas but on the other, it can be a deep rabbit hole where kids can spend hours without even realizing it as one video quickly leads into another. Last week the company announced…
New YouTube Kids App Features Give Parents More Control Over Content
Finally! It’s the news that parents have been waiting to hear— more control over content available through the free YouTube Kids app. Yesterday YouTube Kids announced new choices for parents to further customize content that appears through the YouTube Kids app. Features like collections, parent approved content, and improved search-off control will provide parents more…
Important Conversations to Have with Your Kids About YouTube Content
We know the days of family members counting down the minutes sit down to watch a favorite show together are long gone. The ability to stream, record and view shows later, and access content on YouTube has forever changed the way we watch but as centrally placed televisions have been replaced with individual devices, do…